Screenplay ContesTIFF 2024
10 scripts finalists
- Amel by Julinda Emiri | Albania
- Aurora by Gustavo Ribeiro | Brazil
- Be Grateful by Minerva R. Bolaños | Mexico
- Charlotte by Ylljet Aliçka | Albania
- Courtesan’s Lullaby by Richard Soriano Legaspi | Philippines
- Mere Light by Idlir Azizaj | Albania
- One Day Lasts Three Autumns by Delfina Braverman | Argentina
- Sunday by Iman Davari | Iran
- Tangled Tails by Oleg Condrea | Moldova
- The Happy Reaper by Andy Lowe | UK
Julinda Emiri
Gustavo Ribeiro
Minerva R. Bolaños
Ylljet Aliçka
Richard Soriano Legaspi
Idlir Azizaj
Delfina Braverman
Iman Davari
Oleg Condrea
Andy Lowe
Pitching with the 10 selected finalists: September 27th, 10:00, at AGIMI Art Center
Screenplay ContesTIFF Jury
- Bruno Carnide, MAILUKI Films, Spain | Portugal
- Adam Selo, SAYONARA Film, Italy
- Dritan Huqi, ON FILM Production, Albania
Bruno Carnide
Adam Selo
Dritan Huqi
General Information
3rd Screenplay ContesTIFF consists in the application of original live-action and animated short film scripts or other short form scripts of all genres (max. 20 pages) through the Filmfreeway online platform.
The said competition did not aim to evaluate only the best script, but to evaluate from our partner producers and distributors the best and most possible script to be produced by them and with the greatest chances to be successfully distributed in the most popular international festivals for short films.
Needless to say, the priority would lie on the scripts whose stories were not necessarily and geographically related to the author’s residence, but which facilitated the production of the film anywhere in Europe and were most likely to be shot in Albania as well, thus utilizing local resources, locations, Albanian production companies and Film Commission offices.
Our partners have nominated 10 scripts for Pitching and at the Awards Ceremony, September 28, 2024, they will reward the winning scripts with the MAILUKI Films Distribution Award and the possibility of signing a production or distribution contract with the winners.
- All scripts must be submitted in English.
- Scripts must be the original work of the author(s) and, on the date of submission, must be wholly owned and controlled by the author(s) to be eligible for pitching and awards.
- Presentation of the project (synopsis, production details, shooting locations, study or reference materials, budget, expected year of film completion);
- Storyboard (if any);
- Once a script has been entered in the competition, under no circumstances will we accept substitutions of new drafts or corrected pages. If you wish to submit a revised draft of your screenplay, you must enter it as a new submission and pay the appropriate entry
- Submissions should be standard length and should include page numbers in the upper right corner of the page.
- Once an entry payment has been received, we cannot provide a
TITLE PAGE: Since our judging process is anonymous, please include only the title of your script on your title page. Under no circumstances should your name or contact information appear anywhere in the body of your script.
FEEDBACK: If you are looking for notes and remarks from script doctors you should apply twice and state the reason for the second application.
NOTE: We strongly advise you to register your script before submitting it to anyone you do not know directly.