City of Poets
City of Poets
Sara Rajaei
Documentary short
City of Poets
In a small, semi-utopian city, all the streets are named after poets. When war begins, new neighborhoods emerge to accommodate the refugees. Soon the citizens find themselves lost amid the memories of the forgotten poets.
Sara Rajaei is an Iranian-Dutch video artist and filmmaker based in The Netherlands. In her work, she studies the notion of time by reflecting on the absence of image, memory psychology, oral history, narrative techniques, and physical/psychological space. Her artistic oeuvre consists of short films and video installations, which remain in-between storytelling and imagery. After her graduation from the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague in 2002, Rajaei attended a 2-year residency at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam. In 2009, she was shortlisted for the Prix de Rome. She is currently developing her first feature film, Headless Trees, with support of the funding scheme The Imagination (De Verbeelding) of Netherlands Film Fund, produced by near/by film in co-production with seriousFilm, Ladybirds Film and Alambic Productions..
- DirectorSara Rajaei
- Screenplay Sara Rajaei
- Cinematography
- Cast
- Editing Nathalie Alonso Casale
- Producer/s Manon Bovenkerk
- Production Company
- Distributor/s Gargantua Film Distribution
- Project TitleCity of Poets
- Project TypeDocumentary short
- Completion Date 1 January 2024
- Country of originNetherlands
- Country of filmingNetherlands
- LanguageEnglish
- First-time Filmmaker No
- Student ProjectNo
Sara Rajaei
Sara Rajaei is an Iranian-Dutch video artist and filmmaker based in The Netherlands. In her work, she studies the notion of time by reflecting on the absence of image, memory psychology, oral history, narrative techniques, and physical/psychological space. Her artistic oeuvre consists of short films and video installations, which remain in-between storytelling and imagery. After her graduation from the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague in 2002, Rajaei attended a 2-year residency at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunsten in Amsterdam. In 2009, she was shortlisted for the Prix de Rome. She is currently developing her first feature film, Headless Trees, with support of the funding scheme The Imagination (De Verbeelding) of Netherlands Film Fund, produced by near/by film in co-production with seriousFilm, Ladybirds Film and Alambic Productions..